Acute Monoblastic Leukemia - Yumizen Hematology Clinical Cases "Chase the Case" #34

This case demonstrates the clinical significance of the immature white blood cell (WBC) differential parameters (IMG, IMM, IML) of the Yumizen hematology analyzer series. In this case, IMM and LIC were particularly useful. These parameters assisted the laboratory physician in making a provisional diagnosis of Acute Myeloid Leukemia and, with the help of IMM, identifying monocytic lineage. The immature WBC differential parameters on the Yumizen hematology analyzers can aid the laboratory in classigying various WBC-related pathologies, enabling specific diagnostic approaches and clinical management.

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About Chase the Case

In this monthly series, delve into selected clinical cases analyzed by Yumizen analyzers, sourced directly from real labs. In each case, we’ll explore the interpretation of Yumizen flags, alarms, histograms, and matrices for specific diseases. Whether you’re a lab professional or a biology student, subscribe to Chase the Case and uncover the remarkable capabilities of Yumizen!

HORIBA Chase the Case #34 - Acute Monoblastic Leukemia